A consummate communicator of science for a lay audience, expect to be intrigued as acclaimed neuroscientist and Mind Science Foundation’s Chief Science Advisor, David Eagleman, shares his vision of the future nature of being human in light of transformational...
In the last thirty years there’s been a revolution in scientific understanding of babies and young children, a revolution that’s also transformed understanding of human nature itself. In this talk, Alison Gopnik outlines some of the new discoveries and...
A consummate communicator of science for a lay audience, expect to be intrigued as acclaimed neuroscientist and Mind Science Foundation’s Chief Science Advisor, David Eagleman, shares his vision of the future nature of being human in light of transformational...
A consummate communicator of science for a lay audience, expect to be intrigued as acclaimed neuroscientist and Mind Science Foundation’s Chief Science Advisor, David Eagleman, shares his vision of the future nature of being human in light of transformational...
In the last thirty years there’s been a revolution in scientific understanding of babies and young children, a revolution that’s also transformed understanding of human nature itself. In this talk, Alison Gopnik outlines some of the new discoveries and...