Dr. Peter McGraw joins guest moderator, Dr. Sean Guillory, for a one-two punch of levity and creative problem solving for a chaotic world. In times of stress, uncertainty, and economic loss due to the pandemic, comedy can provide a crucial relief valve, but the world...
Life is short. The brain is tricky. Sometimes, the natural way we respond to a problem actually locks it in…and because it may be possible to work around problems, it can be easy to allow them to stay. Why do problems stick around and how much better could life...
This interview took place in July 2012, at Understanding Consciousness: Neuroscientific Approaches, Future Directions, a conference sponsored by the Mind Science Foundation of San Antonio, Texas. The meeting gathered a small group of brilliant neuroscientists working...
What makes a killer? UC Irvine neuroscientist Dr. James Fallon has unique insight into the brains of psychopaths – one that surprised him, and provides us with a compelling demonstration of nature vs nuture… or is it nature and nuture? 400 people packed...
What makes a killer? UC Irvine neuroscientist Dr. James Fallon has unique insight into the brains of psychopaths – one that surprised him, and provides us with a compelling demonstration of nature vs nuture… or is it nature and nuture? 400 people packed...