Speaker: Zulkayda Mamat

Topic: 2021, Autobiographical Forgetting, Brain Mapping, BrainStorm Finalist, BrainStorm Neuroscience Pitch Competition, Consciousness, Forgetting, Memory, Mind Science Foundation, Negative Memories, Neuroscience, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Super Forgetters, Suppression, Trauma, Zulkayda Mamat

“Searching for superforgetters: characterizing people with highly superior autobiographical forgetting” Mamat plans to pioneer the brain mapping of how the brain suppresses negative memories. Forgetting is not the same as a failure to remember. There are different mechanisms driving our ability to forget, as observed in people with “impaired forgetting” suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Understanding how selective forgetting works can help people heal from the intrusive memories of trauma.

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