Child development Archives

The Teen Brain

Just what IS going on in the teen brain? Developmental neuroscientist Dr. Abigail Baird shares how the neurological growth spurt of adolescence dictates how we learn to consolidate, generalize and then (at light speed) make use of our experiences to navigate our every...
Unique: The New Science of Human Individuality

Unique: The New Science of Human Individuality

Not too long ago, David Linden found himself on OkCupid, one of the world’s great catalogs of human idiosyncrasy. Fortunately for his lonely heart, he found his soulmate. But, being a scientist, he couldn’t help but ask what made the whole thing work?  In this talk,...
Autism: Could Genetics Hold the Answers?

Autism: Could Genetics Hold the Answers?

Why does my child have autism? Geneticist Dr. Wendy Chung will share what we know about the autism spectrum disorder and how it isn’t a single condition with a single cause. If autism has multiple interlocking causes, could genetics hold the key to unlocking it? Dr....
2015 Tom Slick Research Awards in Consciousness

2015 Tom Slick Research Awards in Consciousness

The Scientific Advisory Committee of the Mind Science Foundation recently announced their choice for the 2015 Tom Slick Research Awards in Consciousness. The MSF has long supported research into the neural correlates of consciousness, and these are almost without...

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