
Speaker: Abigail Baird

Topic: Abigail Baird, Brain, Child development, Consciousness, Development, Learning, Neuroscience, Speaker Series, teens

Just what IS going on in the teen brain? Developmental neuroscientist Dr. Abigail Baird shares how the neurological growth spurt of adolescence dictates how we learn to consolidate, generalize and then (at light speed) make use of our experiences to navigate our every day lives AND avoid/survive life threatening situations. Dr. Baird’s research examines the brain and behavioral basis of adolescent development. Her team researches the ways in which social, emotional, cognitive, and brain-based factors drive the processes by which adolescents become adults. The long-term goal of this work is to better identify and prevent psychopathology, and further to inform legal and educational policy. From Dr. Baird’s lecture for Mind Science Foundation on May 9, 2019 at the Pearl Stable in San Antonio, TX.

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