
Consciousness Archives

Unique: The New Science of Human Individuality

Not too long ago, David Linden found himself on OkCupid, one of the world’s great catalogs of human idiosyncrasy. Fortunately for his lonely heart, he found his soulmate. But, being a scientist, he couldn’t help but ask what made the whole thing work? In this talk,...

The Science of Understanding Others

We are focusing again on our emotional well-being and emotional intelligence with Dr. Lindsay Bira. Discover how we can guide our behavior by tuning into our feelings and the feelings of the people around us to understand the bigger picture through mindfulness.

The Science of Self Understanding

Have you noticed that we are harder on ourselves than we are on other people? Dr. Lindsay Bira continues the practice of mindfulness as we build self compassion and explore the science of self understanding.

The Power of Breath

What happens in your brain with just one breath? Dr. Lindsay Bira is uncovering the power of breath! Learn how adjusting your breath also adjusts how your brain and nervous system react almost immediately.

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