Funding ground-breaking advancements in the health and well-being of humankind.
We’re on a mission to explore the vast potential of the human mind in a scientific manner, for the betterment of humankind.
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Brainstorm Competition
The Mind Science Foundation annually grants funding to early-career researchers to support health and well-being of humankind through their research. Check out the recent winners below.

ComplEXIT-DOC: Complexity-enhancing drugs in treating disorders of consciousness
Paolo Cardone
University of Liège
What is the link between brain complexity and consciousness? Can psychedelics be used to increase brain complexity and thus, consciousness, in patients with disorders of consciousness?

Dreams on-demand: A new method to find out why we dream at night
Karen Konkoly
Northwestern University
What would you dream if you could dream on demand? What if you could change your dreams?

Molecular mechanisms of social isolation-induced cognitive impairment
Breeanne Soteros, PhD
UT Health San Antonio
An investigation of how social connection creates a biological “force field” protecting and preserving cognition.
Join us on an ODYSSEY like no other, celebrating all the possibilities of an explorer’s spirit and drive, and an abiding passion for what it means to be human. Revel in the daring exploits of bold innovators through the ages, from Tom Slick’s expedition to Nepal in search of the Yeti, travels through “other worlds” […]
Thursday, 2 March, 2023, 12:00 amWhere:
The ArgyleWhat:
Annual Gala
Thursday, 24 March, 2022, 12:00 am
The Argyle
The past year and a half brought challenges from all directions: a pandemic, economic hardship, a painful racial reckoning, political turmoil and civil unrest. How do we hit the “reset” button in order to move forward with strength and resilience? In this 4-part series, Lindsay Bira, PhD, clinical health psychologist, teaches you how to maximize […]
Monday, 4 October, 2021, 12:00 amWho:
Lindsay Bira, PhDWhere:
Zoom (online)What:
Annual Gala
Thursday, 24 March, 2022, 12:00 am
The Argyle
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Judith Grisel

Abigail Baird

Anil Seth
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